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Note: forgot to switch on recording for this meeting, so these minutes serve as the record.

Agenda for Project EVE TSC

Roll call of TSC members

Allen Wittenauer

x Avi Deitcher

Bharani Chadalavada

Chirag Kantharia

x Erik Nordmark

Gianluca Guida

x Gopi Krishna Kodali 

x Greg Chase

Harihara Subhramanian CS

x Kalyan Nidumolu

Rob Woolley

x Roman Shaposhnik 

Sahil Satpute

Saurabh Singh

x Srinibas Maharana

Vijay Tapaskar

Additional attendees:


CS Hari


Acceptance of prior minutes 

No dissent

TSC Decisions via Email list

  • Discrepancy in TSC membership lists - TSC meeting minutes have one additional person that's not listed in the CONTRIBUTING file.  See email thread. Still awaiting feedback on proposal.

Old Business

  • Discuss & vote on Project EVE release process 
    • Too early, the project doesn't really need this yet
    • We do need  roadmap, and will want to consider electing a release manager when the time comes.  ← Greg to kick off new thread to create the first project roadmap.
    • EdgeX is an example of a heavy release process , Apache is very lightweight
    • We will not yet be tagging release candidates in Github till we have a release process
    • Assuming we are using semantic versioning ← Avi to send email about this topic to list
  • Taking in contribution of "Adam", EVE device API reference implementation | Github repo | Demo 
    • Do we need to put Adam into a separate repository? ← Roman to request the separate repository
    • What do we call this new feature? ← Avi and Greg to continue to argue over naming in email to reach consensus.  Other opinions welcome.
    • EVE API discussion: return codes for various operations - API call by API call discussion, will be evolved release by release ← we need to make sure that return codes are correctly documented ← Sankar  - still working on this.  Updates should go into this document:
  • How to change future TSC composition  - Greg presented the following proposal in email, with an additional suggestion by Avi:


There was no dissent about this proposal other than the request for including an additional bullet by Avi.  This inclusion is marked in blue.

New Business

  • How to make after TSC meeting email discussions fruitful ← encourage more "+0" present votes so that people feel ok that they can say they don't have an opinion on a topic, but show they are present.  The community members are also encouraged to ask for additional information or education if they don't feel they know enough.
  • Create a first EVE roadmap ← Greg to kick off an email thread to start a roadmap doc

Next meeting