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This page is for EdgeView client side command descriptions. For information on EdgeView design and architecture, please see Design and Architecture, and FAQ.

To run EdgeView client script, the docker is required on user's laptop. The EdgeView client program is started in a script with 'docker run'. For an example of the client script, see EdgeView Client Script. The EdgeView commands are checked against EdgeView Policies to be allowed to run on devices.

Table of Contents

Command Help

EdgeView script (e.g., your script name may vary) with the '-h' or '-help', it will display the output like: -h

eve-edgeview [ -token <session-token> ] [ -inst <instance-id> ] [ -debug ] <query command>
query options:

[acl app arp connectivity flow if mdns nslookup ping route socket speed tcp tcpdump trace url wireless]
[app configitem cat cp datastore dmesg download du hw lastreboot ls model newlog pci ps cipher usb techsupport top volume]
log/search-pattern [ -time <start_time>-<end_time> -json -type <app|dev> -line <num> ]
pub/ [baseosmgr domainmgr downloader edgeview global loguploader newlogd nim nodeagent tpmmgr vaultmgr volumemgr watcher zedagent zedclient zedmanager zedrouter zfsmanager]

For more detail help on EdgeView commands, see

The URL above points to this document.

For help on a specific command, for example on 'flow' (assume it's a multiple instance, need to specify '-inst 1'): -inst 1 flow -h

flow[/<some pattern>] - display ip flow information in the kernel search pattern
e.g. flow/sport=53 -- display all the ip flow matches source port of 53
flow/ -- display all the ip flow matches ip address of

The rest of this document will have more detail information on each of the EdgeView command.


When the EdgeView is started base on the configuration on the controller, it can be a single instance or multiple instance session. The multi-instance case is used when there is a need for multiple users to access the device or applications at the same time. For the multi-instance session, the user needs to supply the 'instance ID' when issuing EdgeView command, for example with the above '' script, an instance number is needed: -inst 2 route

The above command uses the 'instance 2' for EdgeView session to the device to query for the routes on the system.

In this document, the instance-ID will not be used in the command descriptions. Users just need to insert the '-inst <num>' if the EdgeView session is a multi-instance type.

Network Commands

The EdgeView networking related commands are the items printed from the '-h' output:

[acl app arp connectivity flow if mdns nslookup ping route socket speed tcp tcpdump trace url wireless]


acl[/<filter>] - to display all filters of running and configured ACL

  e.g. acl -- display all filters of ACL

       acl/nat -- display in table nat of ACL

It will display the access list for running ACL and also configured ACL of the EVE device. To see a subset on iptables, use the filter string. The filter string can be 'raw', 'filter', 'nat' or 'mangle'.


app[/app-string] - to display all the app or one specific app

  e.g. app -- display all apps in brief

       app/iot -- display a specific app, which app name has substring of iot in more detail

If the command is issued without the '/<app-string>', it will display all the user (or DomU) applications running on the device. For each application, it displays the App number, UUID, network bridge information, status in terms of boot time, CPU and memory, it also displays the VNC and App log settings.

if the '/<app-string>' is supplied in the command, it will display the specific user application with more detail information. The 'app-string>' is a subset of the App name string regardless of cases. For example, if the app name is 'cluster-k3s-2-agent1', one can use 'app/agent' to query. Besides the above information, it gets more networking information of the application. It will try to ping the App IP address to see if it is 'Up', it will get the DHCP info of the application, iptable rules related to the application.


connectivity - display the port config list with index

This display can be used for troubleshooting network port issues when there is a configuration change. It displays the list of port configure of the interfaces, and the current index in the list. When the EVE device can not connect to the controller, it will try to connect to the controller with a different port configure on this list periodically.


flow[/<some pattern>] - display ip flow information in the kernel search pattern

  e.g. flow/sport=53 -- display all the ip flow matches source port of 53

       flow/ -- display all the ip flow matches ip address of

The 'flow' command displays the content of Linux Contrack table. It contains the detail network 5-tuple information for EVE device and user applications current network endpoints information. One can use filter to search for specific IP address or port number for display.


if[/intf-name] - display interface related information briefly

e.g. if/eth0 -- display interface eth0 related information

This command prints a brief device interface information. An interface name string can be entered as filter. It also prints the proxy configuration if exists.


mdns[/intf-name][/service] - display zeroconfig related information

  e.g. mdns/eth0 -- display mDNS for default service 'workstation' on interface 'eth0'

       mdns/bn1/https -- display mDNS for service 'https' on bridge 'bn1'

       mdns -- display mDNS for default service 'workstation' on all UP interafces

The mDNS is a multicast protocol for auto discovery of services. It will send queries over all the 'UP' interfaces on the device to discover the service being advertised. By default it sends out for 'workstation._tcp' service which is a well-known mDNS service supported.

The EVE 'local datastore' implementation for App is based on the mDNS to bind the domain name with '.local'. This 'mdsn' command can be used to query on the bridge where the App is located and to see if it replies with the service for datastore image download.


nslookup[/<ip or name>] - display domain name and dns server information
  e.g. nslookup/ -- display DNS information on
       nslookup/ -- display DNS information on address

The 'nslookup' command is simply getting the DNS resolution result from the EVE device on site.


ping[/<ip or name>] - ping to from all the UP interfaces or ping a specific address

  e.g. ping -- ping to from each source IP address of the interfaces

       ping/ -- ping the address of

The 'ping' command if without any option, it will try to ping '' and the controller of the EVE device from each of the interfaces. It can take a domain name or IP address option to send out the ICMP packets. It can be used on internal IP addresses such as App interface IP address, or on external server to see if the device can reach it.


route - display all the ip rule and their ip table entries

The 'route' command displays the IP Rule tables in the Linux kernel and their IP routes. It also walks through all the 'UP' interfaces and display their associated routes.


socket - display all the ipv4 litening socket ports and established ports

The 'socket' command displays all the listening TCP and UDP sockets in the Linux kernel and the server information. It also displays the current established sockets 5-tuple information.


speed[/intf-name] - run speed test and report the download and upload speed

  e.g. speed/wlan0 -- run speed test on interface wlan0

The 'speed' command uses 'speedtest' utility to measure the download and upload speed of the device. The outbound interface name can be supplied to run the speed test over that port. An example of the output:

Hosted by XenSpec (Fremont, CA) [45.56 km]: 5.258 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 700.19 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
Upload: 773.80 Mbit/s


See detail of the command in the section TCP Channel Commands.


tcpdump/intf-name/[options] - tcpdump on the interface, can specify duration with -time, default is 60 sec

e.g. tcpdump/eth0/ -- run tcpdump on eth0 with default 60 seconds or maximum of 100 entries

tcpdump/eth0/'port 443' -time 10 -- run tcpdump on eth0 and port 443 with 10 seconds

The 'tcpdump' command is to capture the IP packets using the 'tcpdump' utility of Linux. The outbound interface needs to be specified.

The user can also supply more 'tcpdump' options such as port number or host IP address using e.g. 'port 53' or 'host' to capture the IP packets with those filters. The command will return the results either it times out or it has captured the maximum of 100 packets. The default timeout is 60 seconds. The user can specify the timeout in the range of (1, 120) seconds by '-time <value>'.


trace[/<ip or name>] - traceroute to and zedcloud server, or to specified ip or name, 10 hops limit
e.g. trace -- traceroute to and to zedcloud server
trace/ -- run traceroute to

The 'trace' command uses the 'traceroute' utility of the Linux and returns the hop-by-hop result if available. It uses two-queries per hop (useful in ECMP) and it is limited to maximum of 10 hops. The option can be an IP address or domain name.


url - display url metrics for zedclient, zedagent, downloader and loguploader

The 'url' command is for the statistics of different services to the controller and data-stores. The services includes 'zedagent', 'zedrouter', 'loguploader', etc. This stats is kept from the device reboot time. The command also displays the management interface traffic send and receive stats. An example of a subset of output:

- zedagent stats
interface: eth0
Success: 1853 Last Success: 2022-08-12 18:45:00.027419055 +0000 UTC
    Recv (KBytes): 7, Sent 307120, SentMsg: 880, TLS resume: 880, Total Time(sec): 108
        Recv (KBytes): 0, Sent 219684, SentMsg: 82, TLS resume: 82, Total Time(sec): 9

This example here is the part for EVE 'zedagent' service send/receive from different URLs for downloading device configure and upload device info messages. The stats contains the send and receive payload bytes, and number of messages (in 'SendMsg'). The 'TLS resume' indicates among all the TLS message exchanges, how many has the 'TLS resumption' (defined in RFC-5247). The stats has also the total round-trip time it spends on all those messages with that URL.


wireless - display the iwconfig wlan0 info and wpa_supplicant.conf content

The 'wireless' command displays the 'wlan' and 'wwan' interfaces (it they exist on the EVE device) relation information, such as 'wpa_supplicant.conf' file content, the port configuration for the wireless interfaces and status.

System Commands

The EdgeView system related commands (similar to network commands, but less related TCP/IP) are the items printed from the '-h' output:

[configitem cat cp datastore download du hw lastreboot ls model newlog pci ps cipher usb techsupport top volume]


configitem - display the device configitem settings, highlight the non-default values

The 'configitem' is user supplied configuration for the EVE device, for example to change the default logging on device from 'info' into 'debug'. This 'configitem' command will display all the available items and also highlight the changed values in color (if the terminal supports that). It has the global items and EVE agent specific items if changed. An example of changed 'debug.enable.usb' item:

debug.default.loglevel: info

debug.enable.usb: false; default true


Log Search Commands

Pub/Sub Commands

TCP Channel Commands

Proxy Command

Copy Files Command

Tech-Support Command