Versions Compared


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This page is for EdgeView client side command descriptions. For information on EdgeView design and architecture, please see Design and Architecture, Graphical Workflow and FAQ.

To run EdgeView client script, the docker is required on user's laptop. The EdgeView client program is started in a script with 'docker run'. For an example of the client script, see EdgeView Client Script. The EdgeView commands are checked against EdgeView Policies to be allowed to run on devices.


It will display the access list for running ACL and also configured ACL of the EVE device. To see a subset on iptables, use the filter string. The filter string can be 'raw', 'filter', 'nat' or 'mangle'.



app[addhost/app-string] - to display all the app or one specific app

  e.g. app -- display all apps in brief

       app/iot -- display a specific app, which app name has substring of iot in more detail

If the command is issued without the '/<app-string>', it will display all the user (or DomU) applications running on the device. For each application, it displays the App number, UUID, network bridge information, status in terms of boot time, CPU and memory, it also displays the VNC and App log settings.

if the '/<app-string>' is supplied in the command, it will display the specific user application with more detail information. The 'app-string>' is a subset of the App name string regardless of cases. For example, if the app name is 'cluster-k3s-2-agent1', one can use 'app/agent' to query. Besides the above information, it gets more networking information from the application. It will try to ping the App IP address to see if it is 'Up', it will get the DHCP info of the application, and iptable rules related to the application.


connectivity - display the port config list with index

This display can be used for troubleshooting network port issues when there is a configuration change. It displays the list of port configurations of the interfaces, and the current index in the list. When the EVE device can not connect to the controller, it will try to connect to the controller with a different port configuration on this list periodically.


flow[/<some pattern>] - display ip flow information in the kernel search pattern

  e.g. flow/sport=53 -- display all the ip flow matches source port of 53

       flow/ -- display all the ip flow matches ip address of

The 'flow' command displays the content of the Linux Conntrack table. It contains the detailed network 5-tuple information for EVE device and user applications current network endpoints information. One can use filters to search for specific IP addresses or port numbers for display.


if[/intf-name] - display interface related information briefly

e.g. if/eth0 -- display interface eth0 related information

This command prints a brief device interface information. An interface name string can be entered as a filter. It also prints the proxy configuration if it exists.


mdns[/intf-name][/service] - display zeroconf related information

  e.g. mdns/eth0 -- display mDNS for default service 'workstation' on interface 'eth0'

       mdns/bn1/https -- display mDNS for service 'https' on bridge 'bn1'

       mdns -- display mDNS for default service 'workstation' on all 'UP' interfaces

The mDNS is a multicast protocol for auto discovery of services. It will send queries over all the 'UP' interfaces on the device to discover the service being advertised. By default it sends out for 'workstation._tcp' service which is a well-known mDNS service supported.

The EVE 'local datastore' implementation for App is based on the mDNS to bind the domain name with '.local'. This 'mdns' command can be used to query on the bridge where the App is located and to see if it replies with the service for datastore image download.


nslookup[/<ip or name>] - display domain name and dns server information
  e.g. nslookup/ -- display DNS information on
       nslookup/ -- display DNS information on address

The 'nslookup' command is simply getting the DNS resolution result from the EVE device on site.


ping[/<ip or name>] - ping to from all the UP interfaces or ping a specific address

  e.g. ping -- ping to from each source IP address of the interfaces

       ping/ -- ping the address of

The 'ping' command if without any option, it will try to ping '' and the controller of the EVE device from each of the interfaces. It can take a domain name or IP address option to send out the ICMP packets. It can be used on internal IP addresses such as App interface IP address, or on external servers to see if the device can reach it.


route - display all the ip rule and their ip table entries

The 'route' command displays the IP Rule tables in the Linux kernel and their IP routes. It also walks through all the 'UP' interfaces and displays their associated routes.


showcerts[/<url>][/proxy-addr:proxy-port] - display TLS connection certificates of server side

e.g. showcerts/ -- display TLS certificates from the controller

showcerts/ -- display controller TLS certificates through a proxy server

The 'showcerts' command displays remote server or peer TLS certificates. It can optionally take the server side URL and also the proxy setting for proxy IP address and port. If no option is given, the showcerts finds the controller URL in '/config/server' file for the URL part. If the management port has proxy configuration, the 'showcerts' uses the proxy IP and port when querying the controller site.

The output of the certificates only gets a few human readable items, such as 'Version', 'Serial Number', 'Signature Algorithem', 'Validity' and 'Subject'.

The bellow example displays the 'showcerts' without option, the server url is '', and the proxy is ''. The certificates from the peer are belong to the server or the controller, not to the proxy server. This may help the toubleshooting to determine if the proxy is a passthrough or a MiTM type. showcerts

=== Network: <peercerts> ===


host-name/host-IP - to add a host entry in EdgeView container's /etc/hosts file

The 'addhost' command adds one entry of specified hostname to IP address mapping into the EdgeView container's '/etc/hosts' for. This can be useful if there is no DNS entry for the hostname and the user knows the static mapping. An example: addhost/ 

... localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

This '/etc/hosts' is in the EdgeView container, and not in EVE device's host and not in other EVE containers.


app[/app-string] - to display all the app or one specific app

  e.g. app -- display all apps in brief

       app/iot -- display a specific app, which app name has substring of iot in more detail

If the command is issued without the '/<app-string>', it will display all the user (or DomU) applications running on the device. For each application, it displays the App number, UUID, network bridge information, status in terms of boot time, CPU and memory, it also displays the VNC and App log settings.

if the '/<app-string>' is supplied in the command, it will display the specific user application with more detail information. The 'app-string>' is a subset of the App name string regardless of cases. For example, if the app name is 'cluster-k3s-2-agent1', one can use 'app/agent' to query. Besides the above information, it gets more networking information from the application. It will try to ping the App IP address to see if it is 'Up', it will get the DHCP info of the application, and iptable rules related to the application.


connectivity - display the port config list with index

This display can be used for troubleshooting network port issues when there is a configuration change. It displays the list of port configurations of the interfaces, and the current index in the list. When the EVE device can not connect to the controller, it will try to connect to the controller with a different port configuration on this list periodically.


flow[/<some pattern>] - display ip flow information in the kernel search pattern

  e.g. flow/sport=53 -- display all the ip flow matches source port of 53

       flow/ -- display all the ip flow matches ip address of

The 'flow' command displays the content of the Linux Conntrack table. It contains the detailed network 5-tuple information for EVE device and user applications current network endpoints information. One can use filters to search for specific IP addresses or port numbers for display.


if[/intf-name] - display interface related information briefly

e.g. if/eth0 -- display interface eth0 related information

This command prints a brief device interface information. An interface name string can be entered as a filter. It also prints the proxy configuration if it exists.


mdns[/intf-name][/service] - display zeroconf related information

  e.g. mdns/eth0 -- display mDNS for default service 'workstation' on interface 'eth0'

       mdns/bn1/https -- display mDNS for service 'https' on bridge 'bn1'

       mdns -- display mDNS for default service 'workstation' on all 'UP' interfaces

The mDNS is a multicast protocol for auto discovery of services. It will send queries over all the 'UP' interfaces on the device to discover the service being advertised. By default it sends out for 'workstation._tcp' service which is a well-known mDNS service supported.

The EVE 'local datastore' implementation for App is based on the mDNS to bind the domain name with '.local'. This 'mdns' command can be used to query on the bridge where the App is located and to see if it replies with the service for datastore image download.


nslookup[/<ip or name>] - display domain name and dns server information
  e.g. nslookup/ -- display DNS information on
       nslookup/ -- display DNS information on address

The 'nslookup' command is simply getting the DNS resolution result from the EVE device on site.


ping[/<ip or name>] - ping to from all the UP interfaces or ping a specific address

  e.g. ping -- ping to from each source IP address of the interfaces

       ping/ -- ping the address of

The 'ping' command if without any option, it will try to ping '' and the controller of the EVE device from each of the interfaces. It can take a domain name or IP address option to send out the ICMP packets. It can be used on internal IP addresses such as App interface IP address, or on external servers to see if the device can reach it.


route - display all the ip rule and their ip table entries

The 'route' command displays the IP Rule tables in the Linux kernel and their IP routes. It also walks through all the 'UP' interfaces and displays their associated routes.


showcerts[/<url>][/proxy-addr:proxy-port] - display TLS connection certificates of server side

e.g. showcerts/ -- display TLS certificates from the controller

showcerts/ -- display controller TLS certificates through a proxy server

The 'showcerts' command displays remote server or peer TLS certificates. It can optionally take the server side URL and also the proxy setting for proxy IP address and port. If no option is given, the showcerts finds the controller URL in '/config/server' file for the URL part. If the management port has proxy configuration, the 'showcerts' uses the proxy IP and port when querying the controller site.

The output of the certificates only gets a few human readable items, such as 'Version', 'Serial Number', 'Signature Algorithem', 'Validity' and 'Subject'.

The bellow example displays the 'showcerts' without option, the server url is '', and the proxy is ''. The certificates from the peer are belong to the server or the controller, not to the proxy server. This may help the toubleshooting to determine if the proxy is a passthrough or a MiTM type. showcerts

=== Network: <peercerts> ===

(0) Certificate:


Version: 3

Serial Number:


Signature Algorithem: SHA256-RSA

Issuer:CN=Zededa Inc. Intermediat CA1,O=Zededa Inc.,ST=California,C=US

Not Before: 2022-04-11 18:19:37 +0000 UTC
Not After: 2023-04-21 18:19:37 +0000 UTC

Subject:,O=Zededa Inc.,L=San Jose,ST=California,C=US

(1) Certificate:


Version: 3
Serial Number:


Signature Algorithem: SHA256-RSA

Issuer:CN=Zededa Inc. Root CA,O=Zededa Inc.,L=San Jose,ST=California,C=US,1.2.840.113549.1.9.1=#0c0f63657274407a65646564612e6e6574

Not Before: 2017-03-20 19:19:54 +0000 UTC
Not After: 2027-03-18 19:19:54 +0000 UTC

Subject: CN=Zededa Inc. Intermediat CA1,O=Zededa Inc.,ST=California,C=US


socket - display all the ipv4 listening socket ports and established ports

The 'socket' command displays all the listening TCP and UDP sockets in the Linux kernel and the server information. It also displays the currently established sockets 5-tuple information.


speed[/intf-name] - run speed test and report the download and upload speed

  e.g. speed/wlan0 -- run speed test on interface wlan0

The 'speed' command uses the 'speedtest' utility to measure the download and upload speed of the device. The outbound interface name can be supplied to run the speed test over that port. An example of the output:

Hosted by XenSpec (Fremont, CA) [45.56 km]: 5.258 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 700.19 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed.......


Version: 3

Serial Number:


Signature Algorithem: SHA256-RSA

Issuer:CN=Zededa Inc. Intermediat CA1,O=Zededa Inc.,ST=California,C=US

Not Before: 2022-04-11 18:19:37 +0000 UTC
Not After: 2023-04-21 18:19:37 +0000 UTC

Subject:,O=Zededa Inc.,L=San Jose,ST=California,C=US

(1) Certificate:


Version: 3
Serial Number:


Signature Algorithem: SHA256-RSA

Issuer:CN=Zededa Inc. Root CA,O=Zededa Inc.,L=San Jose,ST=California,C=US,1.2.840.113549.1.9.1=#0c0f63657274407a65646564612e6e6574

Not Before: 2017-03-20 19:19:54 +0000 UTC
Not After: 2027-03-18 19:19:54 +0000 UTC

Subject: CN=Zededa Inc. Intermediat CA1,O=Zededa Inc.,ST=California,C=US


socket - display all the ipv4 listening socket ports and established ports

The 'socket' command displays all the listening TCP and UDP sockets in the Linux kernel and the server information. It also displays the currently established sockets 5-tuple information.


speed[/intf-name] - run speed test and report the download and upload speed

  e.g. speed/wlan0 -- run speed test on interface wlan0

The 'speed' command uses the 'speedtest' utility to measure the download and upload speed of the device. The outbound interface name can be supplied to run the speed test over that port. An example of the output:

Hosted by XenSpec (Fremont, CA) [45.56 km]: 5.258 ms
Testing download speed................................................................................
Download: 700.19 Mbit/s
Testing upload speed......................................................................................................
Upload: 773.80 Mbit/s


[configitem cat cp datastore dmesg download du hw lastreboot ls model newlog pci ps cipher usb techsupport top volume]


The option can take a '-line <num>', and this is similar to Linux 'head' and 'tail' utility to only display the number of lines from the file depending on whether the <num> is a positive or negative value. For example to tail the last 5 lines of the current device log:of lines from the file depending on whether the <num> is a positive or negative value. For example to tail the last 5 lines of the current device log: cat/persist/newlog/collect/current.device.log -line -5

content type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

{"severity":"info","source":"edgeview","iid":"22761","content":"{\"level\":\"info\",\"msg\":\"recv[ep-inst-1:] cmd: cat/persist/newlog/collect/current.device.log -line -5

content type: text/plain; charset=utf-8


{"severity":"info","source":"edgeview","iid":"22761","content":"{\"level\":\"info\",\"msg\":\"Sent 3 messages, total 2245 bytes to websocket{"severity":"info","source":"edgeview","iid":"22761","content":"{\"level\":\"info\",\"msg\":\"recv[ep-inst-1:] cmd: cat/persist/newlog/collect/current.device.log\",\"obj_name\":\"edgeview-cmd\",\"obj_type\":\"newlog-gen-event\",\"pid\":22761,\"source\":\"edgeview\",\"time\":\"2022-08-12T19:51:47.844877276Z852530881Z\"}\n","msgid":29442945,"timestamp":{"seconds":1660333907,"nanos":844877276852530881}}

{"severity":"info","source":"edgeview","iid":"22761","content":"{\"level\":\"info\",\"msg\":\"Sent 3 messages, total 2245 bytes to websocketread: no device, continue\",\"pid\":22761,\"source\":\"edgeview\",\"time\":\"2022-08-12T19:51:47.852530881Z942746969Z\"}\n","msgid":29452946,"timestamp":{"seconds":1660333907,"nanos":852530881942746969}}

{"severity":"info","source":"edgeview","iid":"22761","content":"{\"level\":\"info\",\"msg\":\"recv[ep-inst-1:] cmd: cat/persist/newlog/collect/current.device.log\",\"obj_name\":\"edgeview-cmd\",\"msgobj_type\":\"read: no device, continuenewlog-gen-event\",\"pid\":22761,\"source\":\"edgeview\",\"time\":\"2022-08-12T19:51:4753.942746969Z702389706Z\"}\n","msgid":29462947,"timestamp":{"seconds":16603339071660333913,"nanos":942746969702389706}}

{"severity":"info","source":"edgeview","iid":"22761","content":"{\"level\":\"info\",\"msg\":\"recv[ep-inst-1:] cmd: cat/persist/newlog/collect/current.device.log\",\"obj_name\":\"edgeview-cmd\",\"obj_type\":\"newlog-gen-event\",\"pid\":22761,\"source\":\"edgeview\",\"time\":\"2022-08-12T19:51:53.702389706Z\"}\n","msgid":2947,"timestamp":{"seconds":1660333913,"nanos":702389706}}


For the details of 'cp' command, see section Copy File Command.


datastore - display the device current datastore: EQDN, type, cipher information



For the details of 'cp' command, see section Copy File Command.


datastore - display the device current datastore: EQDN, type, cipher information

On EVE devices, it needs to be configured with datastore(s) for image downloading. The EVE image datastore is by default configured. The application image datastore is dynamically configured on the EVE device depending on the applications.


dmesg - display the device current dmesg information

The 'dmesg' command is to display the system log in kernel memory. The log severity Error and above is printed in Red, and Warn is printed in Pink, and rest of them in normal text color.

E.g.: dmesg

[ 1.063566] sd 0:0:1:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk

[ 1.064425] sd 0:0:1:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0

[ 1.065545] Rounding down aligned max_sectors from 4294967295 to 4294967288

[ 1.066723] db_root: cannot open: /etc/target

[ 1.067668] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6

[ 1.159820] VMware vmxnet3 virtual NIC driver - version

[ 1.174923] i8042: Warning: Keylock active


download - display the download config and status during downloading operation and url stats since reboot


The 'newlog' command displays the device logging statistics since the last reboot, and also it displays the logging zip file directory for 'devUpload', 'appUpload' and 'keepSentQueue' for the number of files in directory and time range of the files.


pci - display the lspci information on device

The 'pci


' command runs the 'lspci' utility and displays all the PCI devices information.


    pprof/on|off - turn on/off pprof http debugging in pillar on port 6543

More information about pprof can be found here:

The port can be forwarded to the local machine with the tcp command


The 'pci' command runs the 'lspci' utility and displays all the PCI devices information.


ps/<string> - display the process status information on matching string


    subject: CN=Device Attestation certificate,O=The Linux Foundation,L=San Francisco,ST=CA,C=US, serial: 135279607474940962312277550145450798740, valid until: 2042-08-10 18:24:10 +0000 UTC

    issuer: CN=EVE,O=The Linux Foundation


usb - display the lsusb information on device

The Linux Foundation


usb - display the lsusb information on device

The 'usb' command uses the 'lsusb' utility to display the device USB information.


 tar/<path to directory>  -  to generate a tarfile of the directory

  e.g. tar//persist/agentdebug  -- download the tarfile persist.agentdebug.<time>.tar of that directory

The 'tar' command generates a tar file from the directory on a remote device with the given path. It will deposit the tar file in the mounted directory on the user's laptop for downloading files. This command allows the directory with data up to 512 MBytes. Certain directories may have user sensitive data and can not be tarred, e.g. '/persist/vault', '/persist/clear' and '/run/domainmgr/cloudinit'. The files with file name ends with '.key.pem' and '.key' will not be included in the tar fileThe 'usb' command uses the 'lsusb' utility to display the device USB information.


For the details of 'techsupport' command, see section Tech-Support Command.


The usage is the same as a normal EdgeView proxy, with the browser pointing to an URL which has the server's domain name, and directing the proxy service to 'localhost:9001' in this case.

HTTPs with Static Hostname Mapping

If there is no local/private DNS server available, or the user does not know about it, but the user knows the domain name and the IP address of the server offering the HTTPs service, a static hostname mapping entry can be added to the '/etc/hosts' of the EdgeView container. (similar to docker's '--add-host' option) See the command 'Addhost' above.

Copy Files Command

cp/<path> - copy file from the device to locally mounted directory by specify the path
