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This page is for EdgeView client side command descriptions. For information on EdgeView design and architecture, please see Design and Architecture, Graphical Workflow and FAQ.

To run EdgeView client script, the docker is required on user's laptop. The EdgeView client program is started in a script with 'docker run'. For an example of the client script, see EdgeView Client Script. The EdgeView commands are checked against EdgeView Policies to be allowed to run on devices.


The 'addhost' command adds one entry of specified hostname to IP address mapping into the EdgeView container's '/etc/hosts' for. This can be useful if there is no DNS entry exist for the hostname and the user knows the static mapping.


app[/app-string] - to display all the app or one specific app

  e.g. app -- display all apps in brief

       app/iot -- display a specific app, which app name has substring of iot in more detail

If the command is issued without the '/<app-string>', it will display all the user (or DomU) applications running on the device. For each application, it displays the App number, UUID, network bridge information, status in terms of boot time, CPU and memory, it also displays the VNC and App log settings.

if the '/<app-string>' is supplied in the command, it will display the specific user application with more detail information. The 'app-string>' is a subset of the App name string regardless of cases. For example, if the app name is 'cluster-k3s-2-agent1', one can use 'app/agent' to query. Besides the above information, it gets more networking information from the application. It will try to ping the App IP address to see if it is 'Up', it will get the DHCP info of the application, and iptable rules related to the application.


connectivity - display the port config list with index

An example: addhost/ 

... localhost
::1 localhost ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters

This '/etc/hosts' is in the EdgeView container, and not in EVE device's host and not in other EVE containers.


app[/app-string] - to display all the app or one specific app

  e.g. app -- display all apps in brief

       app/iot -- display a specific app, which app name has substring of iot in more detail

If the command is issued without the '/<app-string>', it will display all the user (or DomU) applications running on the device. For each application, it displays the App number, UUID, network bridge information, status in terms of boot time, CPU and memory, it also displays the VNC and App log settings.

if the '/<app-string>' is supplied in the command, it will display the specific user application with more detail information. The 'app-string>' is a subset of the App name string regardless of cases. For example, if the app name is 'cluster-k3s-2-agent1', one can use 'app/agent' to query. Besides the above information, it gets more networking information from the application. It will try to ping the App IP address to see if it is 'Up', it will get the DHCP info of the application, and iptable rules related to the application.


connectivity - display the port config list with index

This display can This display can be used for troubleshooting network port issues when there is a configuration change. It displays the list of port configurations of the interfaces, and the current index in the list. When the EVE device can not connect to the controller, it will try to connect to the controller with a different port configuration on this list periodically.


[configitem cat cp datastore dmesg download du hw lastreboot ls model newlog pci ps cipher usb techsupport top volume]


On EVE devices, it needs to be configured with datastore(s) for image downloading. The EVE image datastore is by default configured. The application image datastore is dynamically configured on the EVE device depending on the applications.



download dmesg - display the download config and status during downloading operation and url stats since rebootdevice current dmesg information

The 'downloaddmesg' command displays (only if the device is currently downloading image(s)) the configuration for download, and the status of downloading or progress. It also displays the download statistics since the last reboot.


du - display linux 'du' in disk usage of a directory

  e.g. du//persist/vault -- get the total disk usage of files under that directory

For example, the above 'du//persist/vault' has the output:

- Disk Usage: /persist/vault

203.24 (MBytes)


hw - display the hardware from lshw information in json format

The 'hw' command uses the utility 'lshw' and it does not take options. It displays the device hardware information in JSON format.


lastreboot - display the last reboot reasons and stack if the information is saved

The 'lastreboot' command will display the content of '/persist/log/reboot-reason.log' if it exist, and '/persist/newlog/panicStacks' if saved.


ls/<path to filenames> - to display the file/directory information

  e.g. ls//config/device.cert.pem -- display the /config/device.cert.pem file info

       ls//config/"device*" -- display all the files with prefix 'device' in /config

The 'ls' command displays the files information in the directory. It can take a wildcard in the file's name string to match a subset of files in the directory. For example: ls//run/"zedagent*touch" 

- ls cmd: /run/zedagent*touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:43.587358564 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagent-localappinfo.touch

is to display the system log in kernel memory. The log severity Error and above is printed in Red, and Warn is printed in Pink, and rest of them in normal text color.

E.g.: dmesg

[ 1.063566] sd 0:0:1:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk

[ 1.064425] sd 0:0:1:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0

[ 1.065545] Rounding down aligned max_sectors from 4294967295 to 4294967288

[ 1.066723] db_root: cannot open: /etc/target

[ 1.067668] tun: Universal TUN/TAP device driver, 1.6

[ 1.159820] VMware vmxnet3 virtual NIC driver - version

[ 1.174923] i8042: Warning: Keylock active


download - display the download config and status during downloading operation and url stats since reboot

The 'download' command displays (only if the device is currently downloading image(s)) the configuration for download, and the status of downloading or progress. It also displays the download statistics since the last reboot.


du - display linux 'du' in disk usage of a directory

  e.g. du//persist/vault -- get the total disk usage of files under that directory

For example, the above 'du//persist/vault' has the output:

- Disk Usage: /persist/vault

203.24 (MBytes)


hw - display the hardware from lshw information in json format

The 'hw' command uses the utility 'lshw' and it does not take options. It displays the device hardware information in JSON format.


lastreboot - display the last reboot reasons and stack if the information is saved

The 'lastreboot' command will display the content of '/persist/log/reboot-reason.log' if it exist, and '/persist/newlog/panicStacks' if saved.


ls/<path to filenames> - to display the file/directory information

  e.g. ls//config/device.cert.pem -- display the /config/device.cert.pem file info

       ls//config/"device*" -- display all the files with prefix 'device' in /config

The 'ls' command displays the files information in the directory. It can take a wildcard in the file's name string to match a subset of files in the directory. For example: ls//run/"zedagent*touch" 

- ls cmd: /run/zedagent*touch

-rw--rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:5843.231320286 587358564 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagent-localappinfo.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.231320286 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagent-localdevinfo.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.228712666 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagent-location.touch


The 'pci' command runs the 'lspci' utility and displays all the PCI devices information.


    pprof/on|off - turn on/off pprof http debugging in pillar on port 6543

More information about pprof can be found here:

The port can be forwarded to the local machine with the tcp command.


ps/<string> - display the process status information on matching string


The 'usb' command uses the 'lsusb' utility to display the device USB information.


 tar/<path to directory>  -  to generate a tarfile of the directory

  e.g. tar//persist/agentdebug  -- download the tarfile persist.agentdebug.<time>.tar of that directory

The 'tar' command generates a tar file from the directory on a remote device with the given path. It will deposit the tar file in the mounted directory on the user's laptop for downloading files. This command allows the directory with data up to 512 MBytes. Certain directories may have user sensitive data and can not be tarred, e.g. '/persist/vault', '/persist/clear' and '/run/domainmgr/cloudinit'. The files with file name ends with '.key.pem' and '.key' will not be included in the tar file.


For the details of 'techsupport' command, see section Tech-Support Command.
