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This page is for EdgeView client side command descriptions. For information on EdgeView design and architecture, please see Design and Architecture, Graphical Workflow and FAQ.

To run EdgeView client script, the docker is required on user's laptop. The EdgeView client program is started in a script with 'docker run'. For an example of the client script, see EdgeView Client Script. The EdgeView commands are checked against EdgeView Policies to be allowed to run on devices.


The 'pci' command runs the 'lspci' utility and displays all the PCI devices information.


    pprof/on|off - turn on/off pprof http debugging in pillar on port 6543

More information about pprof can be found here:

The port can be forwarded to the local machine with the tcp command.


ps/<string> - display the process status information on matching string


The 'usb' command uses the 'lsusb' utility to display the device USB information.


 tar/<path to directory>  -  to generate a tarfile of the directory

  e.g. tar//persist/agentdebug  -- download the tarfile persist.agentdebug.<time>.tar of that directory

The 'tar' command generates a tar file from the directory on a remote device with the given path. It will deposit the tar file in the mounted directory on the user's laptop for downloading files. This command allows the directory with data up to 512 MBytes. Certain directories may have user sensitive data and can not be tarred, e.g. '/persist/vault', '/persist/clear' and '/run/domainmgr/cloudinit'. The files with file name ends with '.key.pem' and '.key' will not be included in the tar file.


For the details of 'techsupport' command, see section Tech-Support Command.
