Versions Compared


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{"severity":"info","source":"edgeview","iid":"22761","content":"{\"level\":\"info\",\"msg\":\"recv[ep-inst-1:] cmd: cat/persist/newlog/collect/current.device.log\",\"obj_name\":\"edgeview-cmd\",\"obj_type\":\"newlog-gen-event\",\"pid\":22761,\"source\":\"edgeview\",\"time\":\"2022-08-12T19:51:53.702389706Z\"}\n","msgid":2947,"timestamp":{"seconds":1660333913,"nanos":702389706}}


For the detail of 'cp' command, see Copy File Command.


datastore - display the device current datastore: EQDN, type, cipher information

On EVE devices, it needs to be configured with datastore(s) for image downloading. The EVE image datastore is by default configured. The application image datastore is dynamically configured on the EVE device depends on the applications.


download - display the download config and status during downloading operation and url stats since reboot

The 'download' command displays (only if the device is currently downloading image(s)) the configuration for download, and the status of downloading or progress. It also displays the download statistics since the last reboot.


du - display linux 'du' in disk usage of a directory

e.g. du//persist/vault -- get the total disk usage of files under that directory

For example, the above 'du//persist/vault' has the output:

- Disk Usage: /persist/vault

203.24 (MBytes)


Log Search Commands

Pub/Sub Commands
