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- Disk Usage: /persist/vault

203.24 (MBytes)


hw - display the hardware from lshw information in json format

The 'hw' command uses utility 'lshw' and it does not take options. It displays the device hardware information in JSON format.


lastreboot - display the last reboot reasons and stack if the information is saved

The 'lastreboot' command will display the content of '/persist/log/reboot-reason.log' if it exist, and '/persist/newlog/panicStacks' if saved.


ls/<path to filenames> - to display the file/directory information

  e.g. ls//config/device.cert.pem -- display the /config/device.cert.pem file info

       ls//config/"device*" -- display all the files with prefix 'device' in /config

The 'ls' command displays the files information in the directory. It can take a wildcard in the files name string to match a subset of files in the directory. For example: ls//run/"zedagent*touch" 

- ls cmd: /run/zedagent*touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:43.587358564 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagent-localappinfo.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.231320286 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagent-localdevinfo.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.228712666 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagent-location.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:53.320588547 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagent.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.228707899 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagentattest.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.232764804 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagentccerts.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.219222416 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagentconfig.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.204337241 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagentdevinfo.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.231334827 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagentecerts.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.205523822 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagentflowlog.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.205553158 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagenthwinfo.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.199945666 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagentmetrics.touch

-rw-r--r--, 2022-08-12 20:58:58.205532665 +0000 UTC, 0, zedagentobjectinfo.touch


Not yet supported

Log Search Commands

Pub/Sub Commands
