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The 'newlog' command displays the device logging statistics since the last reboot, and also it displays the logging zip file directory for 'devUpload', 'appUpload' and 'keepSentQueue' for the number of files in directory and time range of the files.


pci - display the lspci information on device

The 'pci' command runs the 'lspci' utility and displays all the PCI devices information.


ps/<string> - display the process status information on matching string

  e.g. ps/containerd -- display the processes with name of containerd

The 'ps' command displays the 'pid', system times, 'vms', 'rss', CPU, memory and 'cmdline' information. It takes a string as filter for the 'cmdline' of the process. E.g.: ps/"edge-view-init"

- ps: PID Times VMS RSS CPU% MEM% Name Cmdline

001160: {"cpu":"cpu","user":0.0,"system":0.2,"idle":0.0,"nice":0.0,"iowait":0.0,"irq":0.0,"softirq":0.0,"steal":0.0,"guest":0.0,"guestNice":0.0,"stolen":0.0}, 1646592, 1191936, 0.048, 0.015, /bin/sh /usr/bin/


cipher - display cipher information on datastore, device and controller certificates, etc.

The 'cipher' command displays the certificates in '/persist/certs' directory, the datastore configure cipher information, the TPM edge-node certs information, and controller certificate information.

For example, in the TPM cert info:

- TPMmgr Edgenode Certs:


  hash Algo: 1, Cert ID: QNVKkY4gVzULOLqRapPzoQ==, Cert Type: EdchXchange, Is TPM: true

    subject: CN=Device ECDH certificate,O=The Linux Foundation,L=San Francisco,ST=CA,C=US, serial: 39488373966328550420555701136874670376, valid until: 2042-08-10 18:24:10 +0000 UTC

    issuer: CN=EVE,O=The Linux Foundation


  hash Algo: 1, Cert ID: l0aZHnOYibS9T9IErhLTcg==, Cert Type: Ek, Is TPM: true

    subject: CN=Device Endorsement Key certificate,O=The Linux Foundation,L=San Francisco,ST=CA,C=US, serial: 115402283948174120081462478940544354213, valid until: 2042-08-10 18:24:10 +0000 UTC

    issuer: CN=EVE,O=The Linux Foundation


  hash Algo: 1, Cert ID: t4i+gRhW4Ad82vWCV2PN3w==, Cert Type: signing, Is TPM: true

    subject: CN=Device Attestation certificate,O=The Linux Foundation,L=San Francisco,ST=CA,C=US, serial: 135279607474940962312277550145450798740, valid until: 2042-08-10 18:24:10 +0000 UTC

    issuer: CN=EVE,O=The Linux Foundation


usb - display the lsusb information on device

The 'usb' command uses the 'lsusb' utility to display the device USB information.


For the detail of 'techsupport' command, see section Tech-Support Command.

Log Search Commands

Pub/Sub Commands
