
Logs generated from EVE services and others are currently being written to files in the file system. These logs are then read by a different EVE service called logmanager, which then batches individual logs, puts them in protobufs before exporting to cloud using APIs. With a file based mechanism and different EVE services writing to different log message files on the file system, order of logs exported to cloud cannot be guaranteed to be in the same order as they were written to files. When there is verbose logging enabled on EVE device, log files start bloating (even with log rotation in force) up to a point where they do not leave any free space for the other use cases when disk space is required. We have seen several devices getting bricked because of disk space exhaustion. It has also been observed that the logs file exported to cloud as seen by cloud are hours behind the logs seen on the device at a specific point in time.

Idea is to move away from file based logging and use a purpose built logging service like rsyslogd or fluentbit with the following goals.