v.0.1 - WIP


The Eden project is about: 


Building EVE

builds are done in a separate place. Eden can work only with pre-built binaries. 


Now EDEN supports only one ADAM/ one EVE

Work with existing  EVE/ADAM

I wanna be able to pass explicitly ADAM parameters and use ADAM + EVEs that are connected to this ADAM to

Running tests

Test bundles.  - A list of go tests.

I should be able to list test bundles




inside /tests/test1/../../

I should be able to create test bundle by listing  individual items

I should be able to get a comprehensive description of a test bundle

I should be able to run a test bundle and on each stage be sure what happens with the test. Get what item am I running and it's stage.

I should be able to turn off (and it should be default option) any output except SUCCESS/PASSED for individual items

I should be able at any time get a  sequential number and the name of the test in the itemlist

I should get back the error of the test once it occurs.

I should have an option to stop the test on the first occurred error or continue. In that case I would like to see

Test 1/10: Test name 1 -PASSED

Test 2/10: Test name 2 - FAILED

 <Error log>

Test 3/10: Test name 3 - PASSED

Proposed commands:


A config is a configuration of eden. It contains  EDEN setup and handles the default config that is used in other commands


Eden itself as a bundle. When Eden is started or stopped all services within eden are started and stopped.

Status returns the list of all eden services from the current config.

Eden adam

Work with adams in the eden config

Eden eve

Work with eve in the eden config

Eden tests

Perform tests within current eden config. Works with test bundles that are a list of go tests executed sequentially

Eden pods

Work with containers within eves from eden config