Fledge is an open source platform for the Internet of Things, and an essential component in Fog Computing. It uses a modular microservices architecture including sensor data collection, storage, processing and forwarding to historians, Enterprise systems and Cloud-based services. Fledge can run in highly available, stand alone, unattended environments that assume unreliable network connectivity.

Fledge also provides a means of buffering data coming from sensors and forwarding that data onto high level storage systems. It assumes the underlying network layer is not always connected or may not be reliable. Data from sensors may be stored within Fledge for a number of days before being purged from the Fledge storage. During this time it may be sent to one or more historians and also accessed via a REST API for use by local analytical applications.

Fledge has been designed to run in a Linux environment and makes use of Linux services.

Get the code here.