
In order to support network metadata we have to rely on services, installed in the VM of user. The most common tool for instance initialization is cloud-init. There are set of images supporting it out-of-the-box: It supports several DataStores (from cloud), and as a variant of datasource we can use OpenStack one. It is open source and documented.

Сloud-init OpenStack DataSource requirements

In order to start communication with OpenStack DataSource, cloud-init do some checks of environment:

We can set product_name in smbios for our VMs to tell cloud-init to fire communication with endpoints.

Also we should take into account, that there are an order of DataSource observation inside cloud-init. By default NoCloud (drive we use now) has priority (the order is here).

So, with both DataStores activated:

root@1a831fa7-c50b-4693-a16e-fb8171f1b69e:~# grep Datasource /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
Cloud-init v. 20.4-0ubuntu1~20.10.1 finished at Tue, 09 Mar 2021 07:10:44 +0000. Datasource DataSourceNoCloud [seed=/dev/sr0][dsmode=net].  Up 22.97 seconds

With manually removed NoCloud drive:

ubuntu@niceshamir:~$ grep Datasource /var/log/cloud-init-output.log
Cloud-init v. 20.4-0ubuntu1~20.10.1 finished at Tue, 09 Mar 2021 07:25:26 +0000. Datasource DataSourceOpenStack [net,ver=2].  Up 23.16 seconds

Сloud-init OpenStack DataSource endpoints

OpenStack metadata serves several endpoints

Those endpoints should be accessible from VM and serve separate information for different VMs.

Cloud-init EC2 DataStore

We can also try to implement EC2-compatible datastore described here: It will be called in case of image has no OpenStack datasource inside and forced to skip check (Cirros image for example).