The Fledge project and community plans to create a strong ecosystem around Fledge to attract more users and stimulate community growth by:

The Fledge community has been growing steadily over the years incorporating a diverse set on contributors from various organizations.

Beyond the LF Edge community, Fledge focuses on industrial use cases so one of the primary goals is to meet the industrial communities outside of LF Edge where they do.

The Fledge community has identified 4 additional organizations focused on Industrial IIoT standards and systems.  We intend to grow the Fledge community  by engaging all 4 in PoCs, edge strategies and edge contributions.  The four organizations are LF Energy, OSDU, CESMII and the Eclipse Foundation.  



FledgePOWER is a multi-protocol translation gateway for power systems based on the industrial IoT LF Edge project. This cross foundation collaboration between LF Edge and LF Energy ensures strong cooperative governance and technical alignment between the two communities. FledgePOWER aims to build and grow a community of end-users, developers, utilities, and other players to collaborate to solve current and future challenges in the energy space. Further information can be found on:


OSDU has selected Fledge and EVE as the edge stack architecture for OSDU EdgeMeeting OSDU Edge requirements with LF Edge projects mitigating lock-in through vendor-neutral governance and interoperable solutions. 

The architecture was successfully demoed to OSDU members in October, 2021.