A simple, cheap, self-contained, wireless, outdoor, portable edge device should be positioned into its intended location.  A person should be able to easily register that edge device with a local edge node without typing in any information.  This device would then be automatically configured based on its location and purpose, onboarded, and begin collecting and sending data.

Example edge device: waterproofed ESP32 with 1-year battery and moisture sensor on a pole for planting.  ESP32 should include radios for communication, including Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, LoRa, among others.

Target releaseRelease name or number
EpicLink to related Jira epic or feature
Document status
Document owner
DesignerLead designer
DevelopersLead developer
QALead tester


Background and strategic fit

Why are you doing this? How does this relate to your overall product strategy?



#TitleUser StoryImportanceNotes

Jeff Lu Liquid Prep

Jeff Luplease add overview of user story for Liquid Prep here.Must Have
  • Additional considerations or noteworthy references (links, issues)

 Charlie Lindahl Panic Button

Specific edge device: a medical "panic button" that a farmer would have on his/her person which could be pressed in the event of an emergency event (tractor falling on a body, etc).


Joe Pearson Cameras

Stream video from fixed-function cameras, add video pipelines/object recognition/data extraction/time lapse/frame extraction/motion detection via containers and models on systems that can run containers.  Sometimes the two purposes can be combined in one device.

User interaction and design

Include any mockups, diagrams or visual designs relating to these requirements.


Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

(e.g. How we make users more aware of this feature?)Communicate the decision reached

Not Doing