
, 8.30AM PT / 3.30PM UTC / 9.00PM IST

Meeting Link:


Meeting Recording:


John Easterday
Randall F Templeton

Lorenzo King (Bruce)


  • Adoption of  FDO 1.1.0 
  • Discuss future enhancements

Discussion items

Sl NoItemNotes
1Opens / updates
  •  Cancelled due to lack of quorum 
2Integration issues with FDO 1.1
  •  Sven - to explore 1.1.0 release to see if it solves some of his current issues
  • IBM is planning to move to FDO - release timelines tentatively around November
    • Lorenzo to give more details in the next couple of weeks. 
3Features for FDO 1.1.0
4Steps to improve community engagement
5Decision to make this meeting once in two weeks instead of every week 
  • Proposed by Vasavi V
    • Randy - Yes 
    • Lorenzo - Yes 
    • Vasavi - Yes 
    • John K  - Yes (Discussed with him offline in LF Edge meeting)

Action items

  • Tushar to provide information about FIDO Alliance Hackathon (to sort out inter operability issues) 
  • Vasavi to provide updates about short-term/long-term roadmap for FDO
  • Randy to check on the feasibility of not using CBOR encoded format always and use CBO diagnostics