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With the growth of devices on which EVE runs, we have seen more "flavours" of EVE. Not just architecture - amd64 and arm64 - but also board-specific, e.g. imx.

These variants are referred to as "platforms". Different variants of EVE are built by calling make eve PLATFORM=<platform> .

With some of these variants, we need not only specific kernels, but also specific files to be available on the system. These cannot be downloaded runtime because:

  • The data source with the packages might not be available to end devices at boot time;
  • Even if the data source is available, it might be bandwidth constrained;
  • The device might need the files very soon after startup.

Thus, the only option is to make these available built-into the platform-specific-variant of EVE.

This document describes a standard method for making these device-specific files available on an EVE build, as well as executing necessary startup scripts, at both a device level and an EVE-specific services (pillar) level.

File Locations

All device-specific files should be placed on the root filesystem in /opt/vendor/<vendorname>/

Note that, by definition, no 2 platforms of EVE are the same and built for the same platform. Thus, it is highly likely that in all cases there will be either zero (no device-specific flavour) or one (device-specific flavour) subdirectory under /opt/vendor/ . Thus, an Nvidia Jetson EVE will have /opt/vendor/nvidia , while an EVE will have /opt/vendor/imx . In theory, we could simply place everything under /opt/vendor  and avoid another layer of device-name-specific subdirectory. We choose not to do this for two reasons.

  1. We cannot guarantee that in the future we never will have a device with files from two distinct vendors; the <vendor_name>  structure provides future flexibility.
  2. We make analysis and debugging much easier if it explicitly states what the device the vendor-specific files are for.

The directory /opt/vendor  will be available to any system container that needs it as a mount in rootfs.yml . In addition, it will be mounted as /opt/vendor:/opt/vendor  into pillar as a standard.

Populating Vendor Directory

As /opt/vendor  is in the base OS, which is read-only, it must be populated build-time. We use the init  section of rootfs.yml  to populate it.

Any device that requires a Board Support Package (BSP) should create a container via a directory in lf-edge/eve/pkg/bsp-<vendor> , e.g. bsp-imx  (which already exists) or bsp-nvidia . The contents of the final stage in the Dockerfile must be FROM scratch  and must save files solely to /opt/vendor/<vendorname>  so that the files will be properly placed in the rootfs.

Long-Running Services

If the device requires device-specific long-running services, for example a fan or other device controller, these are considered system-level services, and should be added to the services  section of rootfs.yml .

The source to such services should create a container via a directory in lf-edge/eve/pkg/services-<vendor> , e.g. services-nvidia . As this runs in services , and therefore in its own container, it can be structured however it wants internally.

It should avoid duplicating any files already in /opt/vendor/<vendor> , instead mounting those in, if at all possible.

Startup Services

If the device requires startup services, it depends upon the nature of the startup service:

  • system-wide
  • pillar-specific


System-wide startup services, e.g. initializing a device, should be performed in an onboot  container in rootfs.yml .

The source to such startup services should create a container via a directory in lf-edge/eve/pkg/onboot-<vendor> , e.g. onboot-nvidia . As this runs in onboot , and therefore in its own container, it can be structured however it wants internally.

It should avoid duplicating any files already in /opt/vendor/<vendor> , instead mounting those in, if at all possible.


Pillar-specific startup services, e.g. modifications to user containerd config.toml  or communications, should be performed by pillar itself.

On startup, pillar will execute any files found in /opt/vendor/*/init.d/ . Obviously, if no /opt/vendor/<vendorname>  directories exist, or those that do have no init.d/  subdirectory, or those have no executable files, then nothing will get executed.

The init.d/  startup programs should be created as part of bsp-<vendor> . Since those files are in /opt/vendor/<vendorname> , and are mounted into pillar, they will be available to pillar on startup.

Updating rootfs.yml

The above requires both permanent and platform-dependent dynamic changes to rootfs.yml .


The only permanent change is to always have /opt/vendor:/opt/vendor  mounted into pillar. This is done by modifying pkg/pillar/build.yml:

org: lfedge
image: eve-pillar
    - /lib/modules:/lib/modules
    - /dev:/dev
    - /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf
    - /run:/run
    - /config:/config
    - /:/hostfs
    - /persist:/persist:rshared,rbind
    - /usr/bin/containerd:/usr/bin/containerd
    - /opt/vendor:/opt/vendor     # <---- NEW
  net: host
    - all
  pid: host
  rootfsPropagation: shared
    - path: all
      type: a


Extending and Standardizing yml generation

rootfs.yml  is composed from a template  which is modified by .yq  files, and then filled in by  with the names of the dynamic images.

Currently, there is no standard way of running any of the .yq  files, although several exist for some variants. The only ones that get executed are for different hypervisors. The rootfs build process in under #generating-yml describes that the final rootfs.yml  is built as follows:

  1. The Makefile includes This sets the variable KERNEL_TAG inside the make process to a specific docker image tag, based on the ZARCH and, if set, PLATFORM
  2. The Makefile sees a dependency on images/rootfs-$(HV).yml
  3. The Makefile runs tools/ images/ images/rootfs-$(HV) "$(ROOTFS_VERSION)-$(HV)-$(ZARCH)" $(HV), i.e. the utility, passing it:
    • the base template images/, i.e. input file
    • the template for the specific HV file images/rootfs-$(HV), i.e. output file
    • the version string, which is the ROOTFS_VERSION, hypervisor, and architecture
    • the hypervisor
  4. does the following:
    1. Look for a modifier file images/rootfs-$(HV); this is identical to the HV-specific template (2nd argument), but with .yq appended to the filename.
    2. If it finds a modifier file, apply it to the base template, and save the result to HV-specific template.
    3. Search through the output file for the string EVE_HV and, if found, replace it with the hypervisor.
    4. If the version argument, which was generated from the git commit, contains the phrase dirty, i.e. uncommitted, then change the PILLAR_TAG in the output file to PILLAR_DEV_TAG, which will be used in a later stage.
  5. The Makefile runs ./tools/ images/rootfs-$(HV) > images/rootfs-$(HV).yml, i.e. the utility, passing it as an input the HV-specific template generated in the previous step rootfs-$(HV), and saving the output to the final rootfs-$(HV).yml file. In addition, the variable KERNEL_TAG is passed as an environment variable.
  6. does the following:
    1. Gets the package tag for each directory in pkg/ via linuxkit pkg show-tag ${dir}, and save it to variable which looks like <PKGNAME>_TAG, e.g. PILLAR_TAG or WWAN_TAG.
    2. Go through the input file - the HV-specific template - and replace the tags with the appropriate values. This includes the value of KERNEL_TAG as passed by the Makefile on calling

Notably,  look for a file named images/rootfs-$(HV)  and applies it to the base template images/  to generate rootfs-$(HV) . This, in turn, is used as input to .

This process has the following issue:

  • It is limited to hypervisors; theoretically, calling it with something else as if it were a hypervisor, e.g. make rootfs HV=something  would work, but then would get stuck at other stages, where HV  really should be hypervisor.
  • It is limited to just one modifier. For example, if we want multiple different variants on multiple hypervisors, there is no way to do that.

We propose modifying  as follows:

  1. Use flagged arguments, i.e. the current mode would be: tools/ -b images/ -m images/rootfs-$(HV) -v "$(ROOTFS_VERSION)-$(HV)-$(ZARCH)" -h $(HV)
  2. Replace the usage of a single modifer with multiple, e.g. tools/ -b images/ -v "$(ROOTFS_VERSION)-$(HV)-$(ZARCH)" -h $(HV) images/rootfs-$(HV) images/modifier1.yq images/modifier2.yq
  3. Update the Makefile to call  with multiple modifiers.  will largely be "dumb", modifying with as many yq modifiers as passed to it, if they can be found. The Makefile will call pass modifiers for HV  and PLATFORM 

Modifier for Specific Device Files

For specific device files, if rootfs.yml needs to be modified, add rootfs-$(PLATFORM)

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