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Required Information 

Responses (Please list N/A if not applicable) 

Name of Project 


(previously named nEdge-nCloud)

Project Description (what it does, why it is valuable, origin and history) 

What does nEdge-nCloud do? 


nEdge-nCloud is a reliable and efficient multi-cloud distributed storage which enables applications and devices at the edge to store data into one or more clouds. nEdge serves as a storage proxy at the edge to pre-process data for reliability and provide unified storage (over multiple cloud storage destinations) to edge applications. nEdge persists and access data in one or more clouds via nCloud, which is deployed in the clouds. 


Why is nEdge-nCloud valuable? 


Leveraging Cloud Storage with Ease at the Edge 

In edge deployment, IoT devices and applications generate a vast amount of data. nEdge-nCloud enables them to store data in a reliable and efficient storage pool of data across private and public clouds, e.g., for archival and backup. nEdge-nCloud supports utilizing multiple public cloud storage as storage destinations, e.g., AWS and Alibaba Cloud. It transparently manages data storage on behalf of the applications, freeing the applications from complex storage setup and management. nEdge-nCloud currently provides a standard network file interface, SMB, for file storage, and a socket-based client interface for custom application integration. 


Efficient and Configurable Data Reliability 

nEdge-nCloud adopts erasure coding to reduce the storage overhead and hence the cost compared to replication. nEdge-nCloud also provides configurable reliability which can be customized according to application storage requirements. It automatically repairs data to ensure data reliability. 



Origin and History of nEdge-nCloud 


nEdge-nCloud is a distributed storage solution co-developed by CU Coding Ltd. and CUHK ADSLab. Ideas of applying nEdge-nCloud to edge deployments, .e.g, smart factories, have won awards in several competitions, including the EdgeX China challenge 2022 and 5th "Bloom Cup” 5G Application Competition. 

Statement on alignment with Foundation Mission Statement 

nEdge-nCloud aligns with the LF Edge Mission Statement: 

  • nEdge-nCloud is neutral to edge and cloud platform vendors, providing a unified cloud storage through standard storage interfaces to edge applications over a diversity of cloud storage. 
  • nEdge-nCloud enables edge applications to reliably store data into the cloud in a cost-efficient manner. 
  • nEdge-nCloud accelerates edge application development and innovation by offloading cloud-tier data management from applications logic. 

High level assessment of project synergy with existing projects under LF Edge, including how the project compliments/overlaps with existing projects, and potential ways to harmonize over time. Responses may be included both here and/or in accompanying documentation.  

nEdge-nCloud can provide storage to projects that gather and manage the data from heterogeneous IoT devices, such as eKuiper, EdgeX, Fledge. One example would be storing video recordings and images of surveillance cameras from the edge to nEdge-nCloud. 

Link to current Code of Conduct

2 TAC Sponsors, if identified (Sponsors help mentor projects) - See full definition on Project Stages: Definitions and Expectations N/A

Project license 

Apache 2.0

Source control (GitHub by default)

Issue tracker (GitHub by default)

External dependencies (including licenses) 

Aliyun OSS C SDK 



Apache 2.0 

Azure Storage CPP SDK 

Apache 2.0 


Boost 1.0 


Boost 1.0 

Google glog 

Free BSD 



Intel Storage Acceleration Library 


Nlohmann JSON 


OpenSSL 3.0 

Apache 2.0 


MPL 2.0


Apache 2.0 


Release methodology and mechanics 

Names of initial committers, if different from those submitting proposal 

Helen H. W. Chan 

Current number of code contributors to proposed project 


Current number of organizations contributing to proposed project 

CUHK Applied Distributed System Lab (ADSLab) 

Briefly describe the project's leadership team and decision-making process 

Aldous Ng / CEO, CU Coding Ltd. 

Shakeel Salamat Ullah / CTO, CU Coding Ltd. 

Patrick P. C. Lee / Prof. at The Chinese University of Hong Kong 

Helen H. W. Chan / Postdoc. at The Chinese University of Hong Kong 

List of project's official communication channels (slack, irc, mailing lists) 


Link to project's website

Links to social media accounts 


Existing financial sponsorship 


Infrastructure needs or requests (to include GitHub/Gerrit, CI/CD, Jenkins, Nexus, JIRA, other ...) 


Currently Supported Architecture 


Planned Architecture Support 


Project logo in svg format (see for guidelines)

Trademark status 


Does the project have a Core Infrastructure Initiative security best practices badge? (See: 


Any additional information the TAC and Board should take into consideration when reviewing your proposal? 

