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LATEST 8.7.0 Release   🎉


☑️Check zvols existence in zfsmanager 
We can see "Error converting ... to zfs zvol ...: qemu-img failed: exit status 1, qemu-img: Could not open '...': Could not open '...': No such file or directory". We rely on fsnotify and mdev to properly create symlinks to zvols, but seems we should check existence explicitly and publish only if we have zvol. Mdev log indicates that we do add-remove-add sequence, seems we should enforce sequence handling for mdev. Also, we should not use persist publisher as devices may be changed on reboot and should align Key to not have '/' which leads to problems with publishing.

Update containerd runtime to v2 
Containerd runtime v1 is deprecated and we use v2 runtime for linuxkit services. We moved to runtime v2 in the pillar and replace v1 shim with an empty file to reduce space usage. Also, version 1 of config.toml is deprecated, we moved to version 2.

📧Docs and errors about keys with slashes 
We must not use keys with slashes or with a length more than allowed for the file name. We made errors more readable and added notes in docs.

🔧Force unmount container rootfs 
We can see errors with "device or resource busy" when we try to re-start container-based app instances occasionally. We will wait for success in unmounting of rootfs more and try to force unmount the second time.

⚙️Build all HV in one worker and prune 
Usage of distinct workers to build separate HV is sub-optimal as they are different only in rootfs and we spend time building the same set of packages. We will re-use workers. Also, we are possibly limited in space and should remove dangling images if they are not needed.

📉Reduce eve-alpine image size 
We build eve-alpine using layers of the previous eve-alpine. In that case, we end with the sum of layers as they are different. We separated steps to merge all layers into one.

dom0-ztools: Add version command 
Users might not be aware of /run/eve-release file in order to check EVE's running version. This commit adds a "version" option to the eve command line, so users can use the "eve version" to easily retrieve the version from /run/eve-release.

🆔Use pid from start of newlogd and wait 
We start newlogd as a long-running application and do not expect that it will change its PID. Let's check for the touch file as we do it for another agent and increase wait time.

📊Add error collection and metrics for vdev from ZFS 
Collection of I/O metrics for zpool and physical disks included in the zpool (for all types of operations) from ZFS


🛠Fix handling of a disabled lastresort config 
Even when lastresort is disabled by config, we might want to use it in case there is no network configuration available. Recently [1], a PR was merged, which enables lastresort config if persisted DPCL is empty. However, with the first boot of a device, DPCL is obviously empty, but a DPC can be submitted via config partition (override.json) or through a specially formatted USB stick (usb.json). These DPCs are submitted with some small delay, so they do not appear immediately inside DPCL. The idea of this PR is to change the current logic and wait for a minute for any DPC. If no config is available even after one minute then it will forcefully enable lastresort.

🛠Fix diag output when proxy is configured 
With explicit proxy configured, the resolution of the controller's domain name is done by the proxy, not EVE. In some scenarios, it is possible that local DNS server(s) configured for uplink interfaces are (intentionally) unable to translate external endpoints. In such cases, it is expected for the DNS check performed by diag to fail. Therefore it makes sense to skip this check if the explicit proxy is being used.

🛠Fix object provided as argument of DeleteLogObject 
We can see errors "DeleteLogObject: LogObject with mapKey verifyimage_status-... not found in internal map". Seems we must pass the same logBase object as we provide when call EnsureLogObject and NewLogObject. Otherwise, we will not delete objects from logObjectMap.

🛠Fix workerpool test
We seem to have a problem with the worker pool test as GC may run or not run in the background at the time of check for workers’ count. We spread the test work in time and add sleep according to GC intervals.

🛠Fix upgradeconverter test 
We should not use the current directory for pubsub in the test as it will be mounted and we potentially (for example on macOS) will not have the possibility to use sockets there.

🛠pkg/mkimage-raw-efi/make-raw: Fix comments 
Fix some typos and misspellings in the comments.

📄document how to do custom builds 
This document describes how to modify parts of eve-os so you can build a custom image for your purposes.

Github:⭐️357(+2) DockerHub: 291318 (+1893) pulls

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LATEST EVE 8.6.0 Release  🎉
