Versions Compared


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With the growth of devices on which EVE runs, we have seen more "flavours" of EVE. Not just architecture - amd64 and arm64 - but also board-specific, e.g. imx.

These variants are referred to as "platforms". Different variants of EVE are built by calling:

Code Block
make eve PLATFORM=<platform> 

With some of these variants, we need not only specific kernels, but also specific files to be available on the system. These cannot be downloaded runtime because:


This document describes a standard method for making these device-specific files available on an EVE build, as well as executing necessary startup scripts, at both a device level and an EVE-specific services (pillar) level.

File Locations

All device-specific files should be placed on the root filesystem in:


The directory /opt/vendor/  can be mounted to any system container that needs it as a mount in rootfs.yml . It always will be mounted into pillar as /opt/vendor:/opt/vendor.

Populating Vendor Directory

As /opt/vendor  is in the base OS, which is read-only, it must be populated build-time. We use the init  section of rootfs.yml  to populate it.


The actual update of rootfs.yml  on a per-vendor basis, so that the files can be placed in the base operating system, is covered in the later section "Device-Specific FilesUpdating rootfs.yml".

Long-Running Services

If the device requires device-specific long-running services, for example a fan or other device controller, these are considered system-level services, and should be added to the services  section of rootfs.yml .


The actual update of rootfs.yml  on a per-vendor basis, so that the the services  section can be modified, is covered in the later section "Device-Specific FilesUpdating rootfs.yml".

Startup Services

If the device requires startup services, it depends upon the nature of the startup service:

  • system-wide
  • pillar-specific


System-wide startup services, e.g. initializing a device, should be performed in an onboot  container in rootfs.yml .


The actual update of rootfs.yml  on a per-vendor basis, so that the files can be placed in the onboot  section, is covered in the later section "Device-Specific FilesUpdating rootfs.yml".


Pillar-specific startup services, e.g. modifications to user containerd config.toml  or communications, should be performed by pillar itself.


The init.d/  startup programs should be created as part of bsp-<vendor> . Since those files are in /opt/vendor/<vendorname> , and are mounted into pillar, they will be available to pillar on startup.

Updating rootfs.yml

The above requires both permanent and platform-dependent dynamic changes to rootfs.yml .


The only permanent change is to always have /opt/vendor:/opt/vendor  mounted into pillar. This actually does not require changing rootfs.yml , but instead extending permissions in the pillar image. We modify pkg/pillar/build.yml:

Code Block
org: lfedge
image: eve-pillar
    - /lib/modules:/lib/modules
    - /dev:/dev
    - /etc/resolv.conf:/etc/resolv.conf
    - /run:/run
    - /config:/config
    - /:/hostfs
    - /persist:/persist:rshared,rbind
    - /usr/bin/containerd:/usr/bin/containerd
    - /opt/vendor:/opt/vendor     # <---- NEW
  net: host
    - all
  pid: host
  rootfsPropagation: shared
    - path: all
      type: a


Dynamic changes to rootfs.yml  are ones that sometimes are added and sometimes are not. Before we describe the mechanism, we need to describe how yml generation currently works, and changes to extend it.

Extending and Standardizing yml generation

rootfs.yml  is composed from a template  which is modified by .yq  files, and then filled in by  with the names of the dynamic images.


  1. Use flagged arguments, i.e. the current mode would be: tools/ -b images/ -m images/rootfs-$(HV) -v "$(ROOTFS_VERSION)-$(HV)-$(ZARCH)" -h $(HV)
  2. Replace the usage of a single modifer with multiple, e.g. tools/ -b images/ -v "$(ROOTFS_VERSION)-$(HV)-$(ZARCH)" -h $(HV) images/rootfs-$(HV) images/modifier1.yq images/modifier2.yq
  3. Update the Makefile to call  with multiple modifiers.  will largely be "dumb", modifying with as many yq modifiers as passed to it, if they can be found. The Makefile will call pass modifiers for HV  and PLATFORM 

Modifier for Specific Device Files

With the above generic extension mechanism in place, we can update rootfs.yml  for specific device files by:

  1. Add rootfs-$(PLATFORM)
  2. When building, call make eve PLATFORM=<device> 

Sample modifiers

To ease in usage, the following is a simple .yq  file for a platform named foo . It adds files to init , an onboot  and long-running services .
