LATEST EVE 8.6.0 Release   🎉


Use xz compression for squashfs 
Changing compression from default (gzip) to xz will reduce rootfs size from 247.90 Mbytes down to 208.57 Mbytes. The squashfs compression time increases by about 3 times (from 11 seconds to 33 on my PC), however, this is a one-time image build operation.

Adjust squashfs decompressor options for arm64 
We can use parallel squashfs decompressor (CONFIG_SQUASHFS_DECOMP_MULTI) and decompress directly into the page cache (CONFIG_SQUASHFS_FILE_DIRECT) to speedup read of squashfs

🛠Simplify GRUB development process 
If pkg/grub/grub folder exists use it instead of cloning all necessary patches should be applied manually before making changes and either ./bootstrap or ./ must be executed

📉Reduce Process and NI metric tickers 
CPU profiling indicates that gatherProcessMetricList and getNetworkMetrics are not as cheap operations as it might seem. We reduced calls and make tickers aware of publishing metrics global options.

📈Increase ctrd memory limit 
Moving to the second instance of containerd require enlarge of cgroups limit, seems we miss enlarge of /eve/containerd 

🔐Enable TPM in UEFI 
In terms of using TPM devices with QEMU, we enabled support inside UEFI 

📡Add support for AX210 WiFi 
Contributed by


😉 No disk led blinking on VMware 
We have no LEDs in a virtual machine, so we will not stress the disk

🛠Fix usage calculation for zfs 
We should use information from zfs to calculate the usage of /persist/vault/volumes as we use zvol devices not placed in that directory. 


📄document pubsub 
pubsub is the library that handles object in-memory storage, the persistence of such data, and notification to other interested processes of changes to the data.

Github:⭐️355(+1) DockerHub: 291318 (+2154) pulls

8.5.0 Release🎉


🎉support Edge-View container on EVE 
this runs as an 'edgeview' container inside EVE, for access into EVE, the Apps and its site routable Apps

💿use sparced write while rolling out image to zvol 
It takes forever to write huge amount of data to the disk. The limit for the qemu-img operation was 16 minutes, which was not even close to being enough for flashing 2TiB of data. Assuming that zvol is created with all zeroes, we can instruct qemu-img to skip writing zeroes. This drastically speeds up the process of rolling out the image, as qcow2 almost never contains data to fill the target volume entirely. Also in case we indeed have to flash a lot of data to the disk, this patch increases timeout up to 2 hours.

📡Properly report NTP server used for network with static config 
For networks with static IP configurations, there is a different field inside DNS used to store the address of the assigned NTP server. GetNTPServers should therefore differentiate between statically configured and DHCP-based networks, and report the assigned NTP server(s) accordingly. 

🔨pillar: introduce debug build 
With this series, one can build Eve’s image with some extra debug capabilities. For now, this includes a pillar with debug symbols, and delve is included in the pillar container.


🛠Eden tests cleanup 
It seems we spend time more than limit for testing, so:

🛠 Fix dhcpcd arguments for static IP config  
With static IP configuration, dhcpcd should directly assign a given IP address to an interface, instead of requesting it from a DHCP server (which may not even be present in the network or may give a different address). This is actually a new bug introduced by NIM refactoring, which slipped through manual testing. This reinforces, even more, the need to enhance eden and allow to automatically test all kinds of network scenarios for regression (currently we only test DHCP).


update the docs with instruction how to use dev builds 
Eve can be built in "development" mode, by specifying `DEV=y` flag. Currently, this affects only the pillar package. Specifically, the pillar is built with debug symbols and includes

Github:⭐️354(+2) DockerHub: 289164 (+3132) pulls

8.3.0 Release 🎉


🚥Expose WWAN-related status information to apps via metadata server 

Provided that the device has at least one cellular modem visible to EVE (i.e. not assigned directly to an application), JSON-formatted WWAN status information is made available to all applications on the `/eve/v1/network/wwan/status.json` endpoint. This includes information about the installed cellular equipment (modem(s) and SIM card(s)), identity information (IMEI, IMSI, ICCID), available network providers (PLMNs), and more.

💿 Use kernel command line to deploy zfs in live img 

We are forced to rebuild the EVE with zfs in the version to use zfs with live images. To generalize extraction of images from existing docker image of EVE we should use options that we can configure with grub options. This PR will deploy zfs persist partition when we will start live image with eve_install_zfs_with_raid_level defined in kernel cmdline.

📡Expose cellular metrics for LPS 

Added cellular metrics (packet counters and signal strength) to the "/api/v1/radio" endpoint of the Local Profile Server (LPS).

🛠 Fix TestWireless from dpcmanager package 
TestWireless may fail if the reading of DNS content from inside of the test overlaps with updates made by DPCManager. This can be prevented by reading published DNS (via pubsub) as opposed to accessing DNS directly in memory. Additionally, the test should wait for RadioSilence.ChangeInProgress to turn false before checking values of other RadioSilence attributes.

🛠 Fix documentation for AppInfo LPS endpoint 
Minor changes in documentation

Github:⭐️350(+3) DockerHub: 286032 (+2665) pulls


The EVE Design Summit is taking place on June 23 in Berlin, Germany. Top EVE developers and contributors will collaborate with industry users and community members to plan the way forward. An open-source community keynote will be followed by lunch, then we’ll complete the remaining technical expert talks and break into groups to strategize for the future. We’ll wrap the day with an evening social event.

8.2.0 Release🎉 


🎛 wwan: Replace uqmi with qmicli 
This is due to a limitation of the QMI protocol and the linux driver qmi_wwan, which require that there is at most one client talking to the modem. For this reason, qmicli provides a proxy that multiplexes multiple requests under one session. But uqmi is not able to use this proxy, therefore we have to completely migrate from uqmi to qmicli.

🔓Send empty escrow key if TPM not enabled 
To complete the attestation sequence we should send EncryptedVaultKeyFromDevice. Let’s leave data empty to indicate that we do not want to send it to the controller(if no TPM is enabled).

☑️ DPC verify: more sensitive handling of DNS errors 
In this case, the DPC manager should wait instead of falling back to the previous DPC. But to detect this, Send* functions inside the cloud had to be improved to return an error value that allows unwrapping errors from all the send attempts.

🚦Add shutdown command to EdgeDevConfig 
We added support to shutdown node gracefully to EdgeDevConfig. 


🚦 Add shutdown/shutdown-poweroff commands to LPS API 
We added DevInfo to the Local Profile API documentation. Publish the current state of the device to the local server and optionally obtain a command to execute.

🎛 Add document to list supported RAID configuration 
ZFS provides a rich set of functionality but at a cost of extra resource usage. We added a table of RAID configurations for GRUB.


🛠 Fix acl test to handle multiple IPs from dig 
Dig command may return several IPs to properly handle them during the creation of the network we should join lines from output into one with a comma separator.

🛠 Fix accidental loop for poweroff command 
This was introduced in PR #2609 and discovered as part of the review for PR #2610

🛠 Fix attestation restart on 403 config response 
We should restart attestation on 403 code as config response and this code is assumed as an error, so we should move handling to the proper place inside error from SendOnAllIntf handling.

🛠 Do not restart a crashed VM within the handleModify function. 
We added a check for `status.HasError()` in the condition in the `handleModify` function to eliminate the restart of crashed VM earlier than in `config.timer.reboot` seconds.

Github:⭐️347(+3) DockerHub: 282591(+1585) pulls


The EVE Design Summit is taking place on June 23 in Berlin, Germany. Top EVE developers and contributors will collaborate with industry users and community members to plan the way forward. An open-source community keynote will be followed by lunch, then we’ll complete the remaining technical expert talks and break into groups to strategize for the future. We’ll wrap the day with an evening social event.

8.1.0 Released  🎉 


📍Geographic coordinates reported by EVE #2600
EVE is able to obtain location information from a GNSS receiver integrated into an LTE modem. 
This information is then propagated to 3 destinations:

By default, location reporting is disabled and has to be explicitly enabled under the cellular configuration.
Learn more 

🎛 add edgeview container/api doc 
Edge-View as a service on EVE, it needs to receive/update user configurations from the controller; and it needs to send/update Edge-View running status to the controller.

proto changes for app delay start interval  && application instance staggered start built proto files 
The crux of this feature is to introduce a delay between the time EVE is ready to process application instance configuration and the time the application is started. This delay interval should be added per application instance.
⬇️Remove /config/uuid compatibility for downgrade to older than 5.21 
This includes removing some old unneeded code and relying on the 5-second timer when we have a UUID. Also, remove the /config/uuid compatibility for a downgrade to older than 5.21.
🛠Fix leaking locked mutex in netmonitor  
watcher of LinuxNetworkMonitor would leave the mutex in a locked state in some cases, causing DPC Manager to deadlock.
📺Add missing iptables rule to allow local VNC traffic 

Github:⭐️344(+2) DockerHub: 282591(+861) pulls




7.11.0 Released 



Github:⭐️340(+1) stars 121(+3) forks DockerHub: 280472(+1351)pulls🚀

7.10.0 Released 


Github:⭐️339 stars 119(+1) forks DockerHub: 279121(+ 1606) pulls🚀

7.9.0 Released 



Github:⭐️339(+2) stars 118 forks DockerHub: 277515(+1190) pulls🚀

7.8.0 Released 



Github:⭐️337 stars 118 forks DockerHub: 276325 pulls🚀

7.7.0 Released 




EVE 7.6.0



Full Changelog: 

EVE 7.5.0 




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EVE 7.4.0 




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EVE 6.10.0 



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