


  • Demonstrate KubeArmor deployment to:
    1. Kubernetes clusters
    2. bare Linux hosts
  • Facilitate Day 1 & Day 2 operations on deployed workloads
  • Integrate with monitoring and observability solutions
  • Define and deliver an embedded KubeArmor
    • See if anax-based installation script can use native KubeArmor on bare hosts installation scripts/process
    • Opened issue #4115 to track wrapper for agent install.
    • Will likely also want script if there is a corresponding installation for the management hub.

Discussion items

  • Previous:
    • Georgia Tech students - installed on x86 VM running K3s, deployed and running KubeArmor operator and example security policies
  • Today:
    • Georgia Tech students - document any missing steps, errors they encountered and how to fix, anything else?

Action items
