This page is an index to all of the Feature Request forms, no matter the status.  All of the Feature Requests should be listed below on the page sorted first by status and second by date in reverse chronological order.  To create a new Feature Request Candidate, press the button below to generate a page from the template and fill out the indicated sections.

Create Feature Request Candidate Form

Feature Request Candidates

Feature Design Candidate: eventlog cleanup

<Please fill out the Overview, Design and User Experience sections for an initial review of the proposed feature.>


<Briefly describe the problem being solved, not how the problem is solved, just focus on the problem. Think about why the feature is needed, and what is the relevant context to understand the problem.>

Hashicorp Vault Replacement Feature Design Candidate

Status: Investigating

Sponsor User: IBM

Date of Submission:  

OH Agent and Edge Workload Runtime Security

Status: In Progress

Sponsor User: <todo>

Date of Submission:  

Anax Container Image Clean-up

<Please fill out the Overview, Design and User Experience sections for an initial review of the proposed feature.>


<Briefly describe the problem being solved, not how the problem is solved, just focus on the problem. Think about why the feature is needed, and what is the relevant context to understand the problem.>

Realtime Workload Metrics - Feature Design Candidate

Status: In Progress

Sponsor User: NS1

Date of Submission:  

Node specific secrets

Status: In Progress

Sponsor User: IBM

Date of Submission:  

Feature Design Candidate: Per-org limits

Status: Investigating

Sponsor User: IBM

Date of Submission:  

Agent - "ChangeFreeze" state

Status: In Progress

Sponsor User: Mathis Moder 

Date of Submission:  

Device Onboarding Customization

Status: In Progress

Sponsor User: IBM

Date of Submission:  

Edge Cluster Agent with Namespace Permission

Status: In Progress

Sponsor User: IBM

Date of Submission:  

JSON Support in Open Horizon Policies

Status: In Progress

Sponsor User: IBM

Date of Submission:  

Continuously Available Node Groups

Status: Complete

Sponsor User: IBM

Date of Submission:  

SemVer Support

Status: Investigating

Sponsor User: IBM

Date of Submission:  


Status: In Progress

Sponsor User: IBM

Date of Submission:  

Model Deployment to Edge Clusters

Status: In Progress

Sponsor User: IBM

Date of Submission:  

Autonomous Agent Upgrade

Status: Complete

Sponsor User: IBM

Date of Submission:  

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